Shoshana Zuboff

scholar, futurist, professor at Harvard, social activist, privacy activist, author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

schoolHarvard University
SEE MORE of Shoshana Zuboff

Yuval Noah Harari 📷

futurist, philosopher, historian, author aka Yuval Harari, Sapiens, Homo Deus

Brian Solis 📷

Head of Global Innovation at ServiceNow, previously VP of Global Innovation at Salesforce, author of Lifescale, futurist, digital anthropologist, keynote speaker

David Icke

bestselling author, The Answer, The Biggest Secret, writer, social scientist, psychologist, futurist, conspiracy theorist, football, political commentator, politics, keynote speaker

Jim Rickards

Senior Managing Director at Tangent Capital Partners, macroecnomist, futurist, goldbug, bestselling author of Aftermath, The Road to Ruin, The Death of Money, Currency Wars & The New Case for Gold

Brian Fanzo

digital futurist, keynote speaker

Aubrey de Grey

gerontology theoretician, author, futurist, director of the SENS Foundation

Bryan Alexander

futurist, educator, speaker, writer, blogger, book clubs

Zayna Khayat

futurist, future strategist, keynote speaker

Mark Hopkins

futurist, investor

Phil Frana 📷


Zoltan Istvan Gyurko

futurist aka Zoltan Istvan Gyurko, journalist, transhumanist, author of The Transhumanist Wager

George Gilder

technology futurist, author of Life After Google, Life After Television

Roxanne Meadows

futurist, scientist, co-founder of the Venus Project

Martin Heidegger

german futurist, philosopher

Michio Kaku

futurist, nuclear physicist, theoretical physicist, environmentalist, author of Physics of the Future, The Future of the Mind, The God Equation

Monique Guild

futurist, business development manager, journalist, writer, entrepreneur

Pablos Holman

computer programmer, hacker, inventor, futurist, epidemiologist, pandemics, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, space startups

Paul Roberts

futurist, economist, peak oil, renewable energy, author, The End of Oil

Peter Schwartz

sVP at Salesforce, founder of Global Business Network (a Deloitte Monitor Group company), futurist, author of The Long Boom, Inevitable Surprises, The Art of the Long View, In Defense of Selfishness

Bucky Fuller


Ray Kurzweil


Mark Stevenson


Spiros Margaris

futurist, venture capitalist, fintech investor

Theo Priestley

author of The Future Starts Now, futurist, keynote speaker, tattoos

William Gibson

futurist, author, novelist, "Neuromancer

Brian O'Leary

writer, author of A Futurists Manifesto

Zach Leary

writer, futurist, spirtualist, brand marketer, branding

Ben Hammersley

journalist, technologist, futurist, inventor of the word podcasts or audioblogs

Ash Kumra

president of Youngry, keynote speaker, futurist, radio host, podcaster, author

Jamie Metzl

futurist, social entrepreneur

Dr. Amy Zalman


Dr. James Canton


Faith Popcorn

futurist, marketer, BrainReserve

Francis Fukuyama

economist, political strategist, futurist, political activist, solidarity, equality

Hugh McGuire

futurist, writer, author of A Futurists Manifesto

Jack Uldrich

futurist, author, public speaker

Dirk Helbing

futurist, physicist, mathematician, sociologist, Living Earth Simulator Project

Jason Silva


Jeff Brown

angel investor, futurist, investment analyst, business analyst, business manager, market researcher, aeronautical engineer

Jeremy Rifkin

economist, futurist, professor, renewable energy consultant

Jesse Hirsh

digital strategist, futurist at the Academy of the Impossible

Dave Millner

futurist, speaker, author, HR & OD Professional, founder of HR Curator

John Naisbitt

futurist, politician, speaker, author, Megatrends

Christopher Alberg

computer scientist, futurist, CEO of Recorded Future

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