Antonia Kolić

sales manager at Project Truffle, Edivo Vina, fashion model, enhanced breasts

a.k.a.Antonia Kolić
SEE MORE of Antonia Kolić

Grant Cardone

real estate investor, sales leadership aka Cardone University, 10X Growth Summit, sales training, author of Sell or Be Sold, The 10x Rule, Be Obsessed or Be Average, real estate developer, scientologist

Jon Pemberthy

salesperson, owner of The Future of Webinars

Steve Varsano

private jets, private jet sales, aircraft sales, aircrafts, billionaires, The Jet Business

Salman Siddiq

salesperson, co-founder and VP Sales at Cloudlead

Paige Johnson (hair)

sales representative for Alfa Romeo

Norman Farrar

YouTuber, podcaster at Lunch with Norm, for Beard Nation, salesperson, Amazon FBA seller, eCommece entrepreneur

Michael Parker

bDR, salesperson, sales manager, MBA

Keith Feingold

salesperson, sales executive

Jordan Beebe

plumber, salesperson, owner of Rooter Ranger

Brandi Lukrafka

salesperson, brand manager, exotic cars, warranty manager

John Barrows

salesperson, sales trainer

Jeff Burbank (sales)

eVP of Ciox Health, salesperson, former VP of Sales at HealthMine, military veteran

Emma Killingsworth

clothier, sales representative

Dave Mattson

president and CEO of Sandler Training, salesperson

Connor H.

salesperson, marketer

Charles Cormier

CEO of TopLeads Cold Emails, salesperson, sales coaching, podcaster at CEO Wisdom Podcast, yogi, digital nomad, ultra marathon runner

Brittany Pietsch

TikTok influencer, sales representative, former account executive at Cloudflare, techie who went viral for posting her being fired/employee termination interview

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