Dallas Jones

lobbyist, political activist

SEE MORE of Dallas Jones

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)

democratic Party politician aka Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, political activist, Tax the Rich

Charlie Kirk 📷

republican political activist, political commentator, politics, founder and president of Turning Point USA, author of The MAGA Doctrine

Evan McMullin 📷

executive director at Stand Up Republic, independent presidential candidate, politician, political activist, political commentator, politics, former CIA officer, morman

Frank Figliuzzi

political activist, counterintelligence officer, former FBI assitant director, author of the FBI Way

Nadya Tolokonnikova

political activist aka Nadya Tolokno, conceptual artist, model

Neera Tanden

political commentator, politics, political activist, philanthropist, President of Center for American Progress, lawyer, attorney

Katrina Pierson

tea Party activist aka Katrina Pearson, political commentator, politics, conservative Republican

Mike Prysner

documentary filmmaker, political activist, Iraq war veteran, army veteran

John Perkins 📷

author, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, political activist

David Brock 📷

political commentator, politics, political activist, author, Killing the Messenger

Alexis McGill Johnson

president & CEO of Planned Parenthood, social justice warrior, political activist, academic

Laura Loomer 📷

investigative journalist, political activist, Republican conservative political commentator, politics, journalist, writer at Loomered

Julie Couillard

political activist, author

Wayne Allyn Root

radio host of the Wayne Allyn Root Show, political activist, political commentator, politics, writer, author of The Great Patriot

Tommy Robinson

political activist, co-founder of English Defence League (EDL), Pediga

Tori Mahoney

executive assistant at Spirit of America

Michèle Flournoy

political activist, co-founder of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS)

Matthew Heimbach

political activist, founder of the Traditionalist Worker Party (Traditionalist Youth Network) in 2013

Matt Baker

conspiracy researcher, political activist, podcaster at Slave2Liberty

Maj Toure

human rights activist, guns, founder of Black Guns Matter

Magnus Panvidya

podcaster of Unity or Death, libertarian, political activist

Louis Farrakhan

religious leader of the Nation of Islam, political activist

Misty Winston

political activist, podcaster at Facts on the Ground Show, Action 4 Assange

Larry Pinkney

published writer, conservative political activist, Black Panther activist, political commentator, politics, keynote speaker

Kristen Meghan

industrial hygienist, journalist, political activist, conservative political commentator, politics

Kelly Anne Wolfe

political activist aka Kelly Anne Wolfe, founder of Canadian Democratic Defense Association

Wayne Allyn Root

conservative political commentator aka Wayne Allyn Root, politics, Radio host of the Wayne Allyn Root Show, political activist, author of The Great Patriot, writer, podcaster of Root For America

Kashif Shaikh

political activist, co-founder and president of the Pillars Fund

Adam Miller

political activist

Silkie Carlo

investigative journalist, political activist, director at Big Brother Watch since 2018

Tomas Morales

political activist with Proud Boys, founder of Proud Boys

Morgan Zegers

founder and CEO of Young Americans Against Socialism, political activist, Turning Point USA Contributor, political commentator, politics

Mort Halperin

political theorist, political activist, author of Bureaucratic Politics and Foreign Policy

Tim Lassley

political activist

Tariq Ali Khan

writer aka Tariq Ali Khan, journalist at New Left Review, filmmaker, democratic geopolitical commentator, politics, political activist

Peggy Hall

doctor, political activist

Tamara Lich

political activist, fundraisers, member of the Maverick Party, Wexit (Alberta) and Yellow Vest movements

Rashad Robinson

political activist, President of Color of Change, foodie

Rashad Turner

former BLM activist

Sam Hersh

political activist, politics, BDS movement, director of Horizon Ottawa

Samer Hassan

activist, AI researcher

Sandy Hudson

political activist, BLM activist, podcaster at Sandy & Nora

Sunsara Taylor

political activist

Sarah Westall

radio host of Conscious Business Radio, programmer, political activist, whistleblower, enterpreneur, writer, blogger at Transparent Media Truth

Sean Taylor

political activist for the BC College of Nurses and Midwives

Brent Bozell

entrepreneur, political activist, author, President of Media Research Center

David Atkins

choreographer, democratic political activist, journalist, writer at Washington Monthly

Dr. Dave Janda

partner at Orthopedic Surgery Associates, orthopedic surgeon, whistleblower, political activist, podcaster, broadcaster

Daniel Ellsberg

author of The Doomsday Machine, political commentator, politics, political activist, RAND Corporation, his wife Patricia Marx was the daughter of toymaker Louis Marx

Chris Smalls

political activist, president of the Amazon Labor Union

Chris Sky

real estate developer at SkyHomes, co-founder of POD Education, activist, fashion designer at Enchantress Designs, bodybuilder, fitness junkie, tattoos, author of Just Say No

Charles C. Johnson

investigative journalist, political activist, author, founder and editor at GotNews.com

Catherine Engelbrecht

founder of True the Vote, election intelligence, political activist, CXO at CoverMe Services

Cassady Campbell

political activist aka Cassidy Campbell, political commentator, politics, comedy actor, standup comedian, documentary filmmaker, YouTuber, podcaster of Left News Network

Brian Festa

political activist, lawyer, attorney, co-founder of We the Patriots USA

Dean Clancy

political activist

BJ Dichter

political activist, entrepreneur, co-founder of Possibly Correct, lead spokesperson for the Truckers Freedom Convoy 2022

Bernie Farber

communist, socialist

Dr. Anne McCloskey

pPolitical activist, former politician for Aontú, nurse, GP, general practitioner

Angela Davis

political activist, philosopher, academic, Marxist feminist, author

Andy Zee

political activist

Amy Thatcher

political activist, BLM

Allie French

political activist, Nebraskans Government Overreach (NAGO)

Alicia Garza

human rights activist, co-founder of Black Lives Matter, author of The Purpose of Power: How to Build Movements for the 21st Century

Hassan Naveed

deputy Executive Director of the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes

Jennifer Sey

business executive, former CEO of Levi's (Levi Strauss & Co.), political activist, author of Levis Unbuttoned, filmmaker, gymnast, mom

Jeff Giesea

political activist, political commentator, politics

Jason Kessler

political activist

Jan Morgan

political activist, gun rights activist, guns, political commentator, politics in Arkansas, tactical weapons trainer at The Gun Cave, executive director at 2AWomen

Jamil Jivani

radio broadcaster, political activist, BLM whistleblower

James Sullivan

political commentator, politics, political activist, brother of John Sullivan

James Mason

political activist, neo-Nazi Party with the Atomwaffen Division

Ja'han Jones

writer for HuffPost, political activist, BLM, founder of Black Obituary Project

Henry Louis Gates, Jr.

literary critic, professor, director of the Hutchins Center at Harvard University, filmmaker, historian, author of Stony the Road, political activist, BLM activist

Justin Ling

freelance investigative journalist, political activist, writer for the Canadian Anti-Hate Network

Greg McCarron-Shipman

political activist, political commentator, politics

Gloria Steinem

journalist, feminist, writer, social activist, social political activist, political commentator, politics, co-founder of Ms. Magazine,

Frank Luntz

lobbyist, political activist, political commentator, politics, author

Dr. Faiza Shaheen

economist, political activist, socialist, income inequality, political commentator, politics

Evan Balgord

political activist, executive director at the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, former VP at The Canadian Association of Journalists

Deborah Lipstadt

political activist, speaker, writer, journalist

Deborah Lauter

executive Director of the NYC Office for the Prevention of Hate Crimes, former SVP of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

Dean Clifford (activist)

political activist, politics, pioneer of the Freemen-on-the-Land movement

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