Jeff Feng

product Lead at Airbnb

SEE MORE of Jeff Feng

Marie Prokopets

co-founder of FYI, Product Habits

Ian Bernstein 📷

VP product at Misty Robotics, former co-founder and CTO at Sphero, cannabis

Amy Kim 📷

CPO of the Chamber of Digital Commerce, crypto enthusiast, chief policy officer promoting blockchain technology

Alex Hood

Chief Product Officer, CPO at Asana, keynote speaker

Amit Shuster

product Manager at Microsoft, Power BI teacher, educator

Anique Drumright

VP of Product at TripActions, keynote speaker

April Underwood

cPO, chief product manager at Slack

Avrum Laurie

VP of Product at Wealthsimple, keynote speaker

Giuliano Iacobelli

director of Product Management at Claris, founder of Stamplay sold to Apple, hip hop music

Greg Beckman

VP of Product at CARPROOF, formerly head product at OpenText Corporation

Jenny Wen

lead product designer at FigJam

Shawna Wolverton

VP of Product at Zendesk, keynote speaker

Shiyuan Deng

product designer

Tom Walsham

VP of Product at TWG, keynote speaker

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