Stephanie Kelton

economist, economic advisor to Bernie Sanders during 2016 presidential campaign, macroeconomics, keynote speaker, bestselling author of The Deficit Myth

SEE MORE of Stephanie Kelton

Paul Krugman 📷

macroeconomist, wealth, income inequality, economics professor at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, author of Arguing with Zombies

Robert Reich 📷

economist, documentarian, former Secretary of Labor for the US Government

Robert J. Shiller 📷

economist, amplification mechanism, bestselling author of Irrational Exhuberance, co-author of Animal Spirits

Larry Summers

economist, former President of Harvard

Grant Williams


Bill Decker

economist, 3D printing, marketer, international business strategy

Selena Stajić

economist, economics student

Alessio Biondo 📷

economist, macroeconomics

Dr. Paul Cottrell

economist, chaos theory, financier

Richard Easterlin

economist, professor

Dr. Pippa Palmgren

economist, writer of Geopolitics for Investors, author of Signals, technology entrepreneur, she was special assistant to George W Bush, her father was an advisor to Richard Nixon

Peter St Onge

economist at The Heritage Foundation

Paul Volker


Paul McCulley


Max Otte


Nicholas Eberstadt

economist, money, psychologist, mathematician, statistician

Mike Maloney

CEO of, economist, money historian, investor, author of the Guide to Investing in Precious Metals

Michael Zdinak

financial economist

Mark Zandi

economist for Moody's Analytics

Robbie Hiltonsmith

economist, pioneer in retirement security, appeared in the Retirement Gamble documentary film

Robert Costanza

economist, public policy

Robert Skidelsky

author, writer, economist

Roland G. Fryer Jr.

harvard professor, philosopher, economist

Snaebjorn Gunnsteinsson

financial writer, economist, co-founder of NewCo

Spencer Schiff

economist, son of Peter Schiff

Stefan Herweg


Stefan Karlsson


Suresh Naidu

economist, Professor of Economics

Taylor Kenney

YouTuber of Taylor Made Economics, streamer, economist, TV presenter, podcaster at the ITM Trading podcast

Thomas D. Cabot

professor of Economics

Thomas Philipson


Tony Arterburn

economist, writer at Arterburn News, radio host, podcaster, goldbug, silverbug, political commentator, politics

Walter E. Williams


Zoltan Pozsar

macroeconomist, investment strategist at Credit Suisse, senior adviser to the US Department of the Treasury

Grace Blakeley

economist, staff writer at Tribune Magazine, socialist, author of The Corona Crash, very busty blonde

Amartya Sen

economist, husband of Emma Rothschild

Anders Ã…slund

economist, author of Russia's Crony Capitalism

Art Laffer

economist aka Arthur Laffer

Chris Parry

economist, writer, journalist

Christopher Whalen


Cynthia F. Hodges

economist, author of Den of Vipers: Central Banks & the Fake Economy

David Autor


Dimitri Speck

economist, author of Geheime Goldpolitik (Secret Gold Policy)

Dominique Strauss-Kahn

economist, politician

Don Thompson

professor emeritus of marketing at York University, economist, author of The $12 Million Stuffed Shark

Ed Balls

economist, writer, author of Appetite, Speaking Out, professor, former politician, Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2011-2015

Erica Ifill

economist, journalist

Gabriel Zucman

economist, accountant, wealth taxes, tax havens

Gary Stevenson

inequality economist, forex trader, stocks, investing, author of The Trading Game, podcaster on Garys Economics

George Humphrey

economist, author, whistleblower

Martin Beck

economist, labor statistics, labor markets

Helger Schmiedling

Chief Economist at Berenberg Bank

James T. Harris

economist, founder of Zucora, President at Oxygon Technologies, professional chemicals, commercial cleaning

James Turk

economist, director at the Goldmoney Foundation

Jason Bram

economist, research officer

Jean-Yves Duclos

economist, poverty, politician, Canada's Minister of Health since 2021

Joe Brusuelas

Chief economist, principal at RSM US LLP

John Stuart Mill

philosopher, political economist, civil servant, Theory of the Scientific Method, helped finance the University of London

Joseph Schumpeter


Karl Polanyi

economist, economic historian, writer, author, The Great Transformation, anthropologist

Klaus Schwab

founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), author of Stakeholder Capitalism, The Great Reset, former engineer at Escher Wyss & Cie (Sulzer AG), economist, knighted in 2006

Kristalina Georgieva

economist, president and managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 2019

Lowkey Economist

economist, YouTuber on economics

Martin A. Armstrong

economist, economic forecaster, infamously a convicted felon for cheating investors out of $700 million, hedge fund manager, founder of Socrates, Armstrong Economics

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