Dr. Carl Hart, PhD

psychologist, associate professor of psychology and psychiatry at Columbia University

SEE MORE of Dr. Carl Hart, PhD

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

clinical psychologist aka Jordan B Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, author of 12 Rules For Life, Beyond Order, founder of Peterson Academy, educator, podcaster

Steven Pinker 📷

cognitive psychologist, linguist, popular science author, How the Mind Works

Adam Grant

orginizational psychologist, bestselling author, Give and Take, Originals, Think Again

Dr. Gad Saad 📷

evolutionary behaviorial scientist, professor, evolutionary biologist, evolutionary psychologist, author of The Parasitic Mind, The Consuming Instinct

Mellissa Grace 📷

model aka Kak MG, clinical psychologist

Dr. Jack Brown 📷

physician, psychologist, body language, keynote speaker

Dr. Gary Chapman

psychologist, bestselling author of The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, co-author of The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace

Dr. Gabor Maté 📷

neuroscientist, speaker, psychologist, addictions expert, bestselling author

Bob Sutton 📷

psychologist, professor

Jeremy Dean

psychologist, author, Making Habits

Dr. Alec Beall

PhD, psychology, psychologist

Emma Kenny


Steven Hassan

psychologist, social worker, licensed medical health counselor, cults, mind control, hypnosis, brainwashing, author

Dr. Dan Eagle, M.D.

psychiatrist, neurologist, psychology, neurology

Becky Evans

psychologist, cat whisperer

Markus Heilig

psychologist, alcoholism

Marni Kinrys

psychologist, owner of Wing Girl Method

Martin Lindstrom

brand marketer, psychologist, branding, bestselling author of Buyology, Brand Sense, Small Data

Martin Seligman

psychologist, educator, author

Dr. Mark Goulston

psychiatrist, entrepreneur, psychologist

Mark Bowden

psychologist, human behavior expert, body language expert, keynote speaker

Matthew Walker

psychologist, pioneer in sleep cycles

Amy Marschall

licensed psychologist, aka Dr Amy

Dr. Michael Breus

the Sleep Doctor, psychologist

Michal Kosinki

computational psychologist, behavioral scientist, big data scientist, privacy activist

Natalie Etched

YouTuber, streamer, psychologist, how to be private or be a mysterious girl

Nicholas A. Kuiper

psychologist, egocentric bias

Paul Piff

psychologist, Monopoly game experiment

Nika Domi

author of Person to Person, life coach, psychologist, financial planner, busty redhead

Orion Taraban

psychologist, doctor, traditionalist, podcaster at PsycHacks

Laura Carstensen


Peter Crone

psychologist aka The Mind Architect

Richard Nisbett

psychologist, narcissism relating to ancient Greece

Roy Baumeister


Dr. Shefali

clinical psychologist, author of The Conscious Parent

Sheldon Solomon

social psychologist, professor

Dr. Ali Mattu


Suzanne Gaskins


Timothy B. Rogers

psychologist, egocentric bias

Tracy Malone

psychologist, YouTuber, streamer

Travis Bradberry


W Keith Campbell

author of The New Science of Narcissism, personality psychologist, narcissism, personality, culture, shamanic medicine, wealth investing

HealthyGamerGG (Dr. K)

psychiatrist aka Dr K, mental health coaching, life coaching, psychologist

Dan Ariely

behavioral psychologist, scientist, professor at Duke University, bestselling author of Predictibly Irrational

Daniel Gilbert

psychologist aka Dan Gilbert, author of Stumbling on Happiness

Daniel Goleman

psychologist, journaliast, writer, author of Focus, Primal Leadership

David Sbarra

phD, psychologist, professor of psychology at University of Arizona, busyness, author, Love, Loss, and the Space Between

Drew Eric Whitman

author, Cashvertising, advertiser, psychologist

Dr. Edward de Bono

psychologist, creativity, lateral thinking

Ernest Dichter

psychologist, created the focus group, a study in behavioral marketing

Dr. Christine T. Chambers

clinical psychologist, scientific director

Chase Hughes

founder of NCI University, body language expert, former US Navy Chief, military veteran, behavioral psychologist known for spotting cognitive dissonance, engineered reality or psyops, author of The Ellipsis Manual, The Belgrade Archer

Gail Steketee

psychologist, compulsive hoarding expert, pioneer in emotional attachments

Cali Estes

psychologist, doctor aka The Addictions Coach

Geoffrey Hinton

machine learning, natural language processing, cognitive psychologist

Lisa Feldman Barrett

psychologist, author of How Emotions are Made and Seven and a Half Lessons About the Brain

Dr. Henry Cloud

psychologist, leadership consultant, author

Janis A. Spring

clinical psychologist, co-author of After the Affair

Jeffrey C. Levy

psychologist, professor of psychology

Annie Särnblad

psychologist, pioneer in reading humans, microexpressions expert, certified in Facial Action Coding System (FACS), author of Diary of a Human Lie Detector

Dr. John Delony

Harvard psychologist aka the Mental Health Guy, pioneer in mental health and wellness, crisis management in the police department, bestselling author of Building a Non-Anxious Life, podcaster at The Dr. John Delony Show, tattoos

Jonathan Haidt

social psychologist, ethics professor at NYU Stern School of Business, author of The Anxious Generation, The Coddling of the American Mind, The Righteous Mind, The Happiness Hypothesis

Andrew Lustig


Kerry Sulkowicz

psychiatrist, psychologist, psychoanalyst for CEO's and the super rich

Kevin MacDonald

evolutionary psychologist

Dr. Khandis Blake

evolutionary social psychologist at the University of Melbourne, researcher, pioneer in seeking status, menstrual cycles, political commentator, sexual politics

Konstantin Kisin

author of An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West, psychologist, keynote speaker, podcaster at Triggernometry

Craig Neumann

psychologist, professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of North Texas

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