Raphaelle O'Neil

nWO whistleblower aka Nola Butterfly, SAI weather modifications

SEE MORE of Raphaelle O'Neil

Edward Snowden 📷

CIA whistleblower, PRISM data collection, privacy activist, political activist, political commentator, politics

Christopher Wylie 📷

whistleblower, former data scientist at Cambridge Analytica, research director at H&M

David Carroll 📷

associate professor of media design, investigative journalist, whistleblower for Cambridge Analytics on the Great Hack

Steven Greer

retired medical doctor, UFOlogist, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, whistleblower, Cosmic Hoax, founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and The Disclosure Project

Kelly Lieberman 📷

researcher, political commentator, politics, whistleblower

Sherri Tenpenny 📷

osteopathic doctor aka Sherry Tenpenny, physician

Annie Machon 📷

mI5 whistleblower

Maria Farmer 📷

painter, visual artist, fine arts, whistleblower, survivor of Jeffrey Epstein

Aaron Dykes

investigative journlist, writer, whistleblower, TV presenter, co-founder of Truthstream Media

Ady Betambeau

researcher, elections whistleblower, kickboxing, MMA, mixed martial arts, fitness junkie


epstein whistleblower

Alicia Arden

fashion model, actress on General Hospital, Trojan War, Enemy Within, enhanced breasts

Aman Jabbi

iT cybersecurity expert, digital identity, COVID whistleblower

"Amazing" Polly St. George

financial researcher, whistleblower, video producer

Amy B. Cohen

author of Pacific Street, whistleblower, researcher

Andrew Huff

statistician, mathematician, CIA whistleblower, author of The Truth About Wuhan

Annie Farmer

survivor of Jeffrey Epstein, whistleblower

Anthony Patch

researcher, educator, speaker, author, whistleblower, 3rd strand of DNA, silicon DNA, nanotechnology

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger

wHO whistleblower, market researcher, aging researcher, ageing researcher, global health whistleblower

Ben Hallman

investigative journalist, whistleblower

Bill Binney

nSA whistleblower, intelligence officer, secret service agent, documentary filmmaker of A Good American

Blue Canaries


Bradley C. Birkenfeld

private banker, financier, whistleblower, keynote speaker, author of Lucifers Banker

Brendon O'Connell

researcher, whistleblower, videographer, streamer, podcaster at Talpiot podcast

Dr. Brian Artis

doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower

Brit Levy

whistleblower, former employee at Meta

Bryan Dean Wright

political commentator, politics, former CIA officer, spy, CIA whistleblower, conservative democrat

Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell

doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower, activist, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Celeste Solum

activist, whistleblower, writer at The Celestial Report

Charles Ortel

clintons whistleblower, political commentator, politics on the Clinton Foundation

Chuck Baldwin

investigative journalist, whistleblower, pastor at the Liberty Fellowship Church

Clif High

whistleblower, writer at Half Past Human

Dafina Tachover

5G whistleblower

Dr. Dan Stock

virologist, immunologist, whistleblower

Dana Ashlie

geoengineering, WiFi, 5G whistleblower, redhead, glasses

Dani Gossip Gal

conservative political commentator, politics, whistleblower, Jeffrey Epstein crime maps

Daniel Estulin

investigative journalist, Bilderberg Group whistleblower, writer, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group

Daniel Hopsicker

documentary filmmaker, Barry & the boys, whistleblower

Daniel Nagase

COVID whistleblower, Ivermectin, former doctor, physician

Dave McGowan

author of You are Being Lied To, whistleblower

David Duke

journalist, blogger, investigative journalist, political activist, conspiracy researcher, 911 whistleblower, author of Jewish Supremacism, politician, former member of the US House of Representatives

David Macadam

blogger, writer at the Oligarch Kings, whistleblower, underdogs

Deception Bytes

journalist, whistleblower, researcher

Del Bigtree

cOVID whistleblower, filmmaker, conspiracy researcher

Dustin Nemos

news reporter, investigative journalist, whistleblower

Edward Jay Robin

minister, libertarian, whistleblower

Emmy Robbin

doula practioner, OBGYN, midwife, healthcare practitioner, pregnancy nurse, childbirth, child birth, breastfeeding support, activist, whistleblower

Enchanted LifePath

political commentator, politics, whistleblower

Eric Dollard


Erin Olszewski

nurse, military veteran, whistleblower, author of Undercover Epicenter Nurse

Etienne de la Boetie II

founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, libertarian, activist for the Pre-State Project, whistleblower

Frances Leader

jesuit whistleblower, zionist whistleblower, conspiracy researcher

Freeman Fly

video producer, podcaster at The Free Zone (FreemanTV), Illuminati whistleblower

Gluboco Lietuva

cOVID whistleblower

Gregory Lessing Garrett


Harley Schlanger

researcher, whistleblower

Henry Makow

journalist, feminism writer, Ph.D. in English Literature, political commentator, politics, NWO whistleblower, author of Illuminati

High Impact Flix

health and wellness, diets, NWO researcher, NWO whistleblower

Howard Nema

political commentator, politics, whistleblower

Hugo Talks

cOVID whistleblower

Ian Smith

personal trainer, co-owner of Atilis Gym Bellmawr, activist, COVID whistleblower, Bitcoin enthusiast, crypto enthusiast, co-author of Two Dumbb Gym Owners

Ivory Hecker

songwriter, guitarist, musician, TV presenter, former news reporter, whistleblower, blonde, fitness junkie

Jack Blood

investigative journalist, whistleblower, blogger, writer, activist, dad, father

Jack O'Halloran

jFK whistleblower

Jane D'Arista

economist, Federal Reserve whistleblower

Dr. Jane Ruby

health economist, pharmaceutical researcher, COVID whistleblower

Jason Shurka

entrepreneur, video producer of The Pyramid Code, author of Forming the Formless, The Language of Energy, truth seeker, whistleblower


whistleblower, activist, flat earther

Jeremy Loffredo

investigative journalist, researcher, whistleblower, writer at Unlimited Hangout

Jeremy Rothe-Kushel

investigative journalist, whistleblower

Jess Turner

organizer, whistleblower

Jim Crenshaw (researcher)

researcher, whistleblower

Joe Dan Gormon

investigative journalist, COVID whistleblower, writer, contributor to Gateway Pundit

Joe Imbriano

5G whistleblower, activist

Joël Lightbound

politiican, former Liberal MP, NWO whistleblower

Joel Skousen

political commentator, politics, whistleblower, survivalist, political scientist, strategic relocation, blogger at World Affairs Brief

John D. Shirley

j6 whistleblower, Jan 6 whistleblower

John Kiriakou

CIA whistleblower

John Stokes

cOVID whistleblower, athlete

John Wedger


Johnny Vedmore

investigative journalist at Unlimited Hangout, writer, NWO whistleblower, podcaster at the Fungi Monkey Podcast

Jordan Maxwell

western esotericism, conspiracy researcher, whistleblower, ancient religions

Joseph Arbuckle

patriot, military veteran, whistleblower

Josh Sigurdson

CEO at World Alternative Media, news reporter, whistleblower, investigative journalist

Josh X

historian, genius whistleblower

Joyce Riley

radio broadcaster on The Original Power Hour Radio Show, political commentator, politics, whistleblower

J.R. Mailey

private investigator, whistleblower

Judah Ayers

conservative political commentator, politics, investigative journalist, J6 whistleblower

Karen Hudes

whistleblower, lawyer, former attorney and World Bank senior council employee, legal counsel at Global Debt Facility

Katherine Albrecht

radio host, whistleblower, activist, privacy advocate against spy chips

Ken Ferguson

international lawyer, attorney, civil rights activist, whistleblower

Ken O'Keefe

researcher, documentary filmmaker of Europa, 911 whistleblower

Kevin Shipp

CIA whistleblower, counterintelligence, author of From the Company of Shadows

Klaidas Vyšniauskas

whistleblower at The Stranger Fiction

Kris Paronto

CIA whistleblower aka Kris Tanto Paronto

Kyle Hunt

whistleblower, writer at Renegade Tribune, founder of Renegade Broadcasting

Kyle James Lee

whistleblower, activist, anonymous voiceovers, founder of the AEGIS Alliance

Leah Mathis

singer, TikTok influencer, COVID whistleblower

Lee Dryburgh

cOVID whistleblower

Leigh Dundas

cOVID whistleblower, keynote speaker

Leo Zagami

political commentator, politics, religious commentator on The Vatican, NWO whistleblower on the Illuminati

Linda Paris


Lisa Haven

investigative journalist, writer at Before Its News, whistleblower, news reporter

Lynn Davenport

educator, market researcher, whistleblower

Maria Zack

CEO at Quantum Solutions Software, business strategist, inventor, public speaker, serial entrepreneur, activist, elections whistleblower

Martin Tripp

tesla short seller, TSLAQ investor, Tesla whistleblower

Dr. Matt Shelton

doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower

Meryl Nass

physician, doctor, writer, private investigator, COVID whistleblower

Michael McKibben

CIA whistleblower, co-author of Trump This

Michelle Gibson (historian)

war historian, blogger, writer, whistleblower

Mike Rothschild

investigative journalist, QAnon whistleblower, author of The Storm is Upon Us

Monica Smit

politican, whistleblower, activist, managing director at Reignite Democracy Australia

Mordechai Vanunu

technician, nuclear physicist, nuclear whistleblower, peace activist, political activist, has spent 18 years in an Israeli prison

Mouthy Buddha

whistleblower, human rights activist

Peiter Zatko aka "Mudge"

hHacker in Cult of the Dead Cow, cybersecurity expert, L0phtcrack‎, computer programmer aka Peiter Zatko, DARPA whistleblower

Naz Obredor

social activist, COVID whistleblower, 911 whistleblower, blogger at I Am The Face of Truth

Neil Oliver

TV presenter, archaeologist, historian, COVID whistleblower, philosopher, author, voiceovers for A History of Scotland, Vikings, Coast, senior fellow at the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Nicholas Shaxson

investigative journalist, whistleblower, Pandora Papers, tax havens, author of Treasure Islands, Finance Curse

Pat King

activist, whistleblower

Patrick Bergy

CIA whistleblower, Interactive Internet Activities (IIA) social media psychological warfare, QAnon, ShadowNet software, behavioral profiles, behavioral targeting

Patrick M. Wood

lecturer, author of Technocracy Rising, whistleblower

Patrick M. Wood

nWO whistleblower, author of Technocracy Rising, co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington

Peter McCullough, MD

doctor, physician, whistleblower, Childrens Health Defense

Phil Giraldi

CIA whistleblower

Rebekah Roth

911 whistleblower, author of Methodical Deception

Richard Grove

filmmaker, cinematographer, film producer, videographer, historian, whistleblower, educator

Richard Montbleau


Richie From Boston


Robert Eringer

investigative journalist, author, CIA Deputy Director of Operations, counterintelligence officer, CIA whistleblower

Rosa Koire

author of Behind the Green Mask, whistleblower

Sam Andrews

TikTok influencer, whistleblower

Santos Bonacci

guitarist, musician, genius whistleblower

Sarah Chayes

political commentator, politics, Afganistan whistleblower

SGT Report

whistleblower, podcaster

Shaun Attwood

YouTuber, activist, ecstasy drugs, UFOs, aliens, whistleblower, mafia, true crimes, bestselling author of Who Killed Epstein

Sibel Edmonds

fBI whistleblower, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC)


cOVID whistleblower

Simon Parkes

qAnon conspiracy theorist, whistleblower

Dr. Simone Gold

physician, doctor, human rights activist, lawyer, attorney, COVID whistleblower, founder of America's Frontline Doctors

Spike Lee

film director, film producer, Inside Man, 911 whistleblower, activist, owner of 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks, democratic activist

Spiro Skouras

investigative journalist, political commentator, politics, whistleblower, news contributor to Activist Post, YouTuber

Dr. Stella Immanuel

cOVID whistleblower, doctor, physician, author of Let America Live

Steve Kirsch

founder at Propel Software, Abaca Technology, Frame Technology, Infoseek, Mouse Systems, Token, CTO at One ID, serial entrepreneur, philanthropist, environmentalist, COVID whistleblower

Steven Malthouse

cOVID whistleblower

Stuart Syvret

whistleblower, former politican for the States of Jersey from 1990-2010

Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

doctor, physician, COVID whistleblower



Thermal Detonator

911 whistleblower

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